Success stories

A number of organizations have trusted Kepler to create innovative and effective learning solutions. Below, we present some projects that show the impact and value we bring to our clients

Massive open online courses and platform for public servants


The Uruguayan government requested advisory on virtual learning strategies to support an important organizational change initiative: transforming the employee performance evaluation model across diverse miinisteries and agencies


  • Successfully developed and implemented a training strategy for 25,000 public employees.
  • Ahorro de 90% de costos y tiempos de desarrollo e implementación (respecto a métodos de capacitación tradicional previos).
  • Aumento de la tasa de finalización un 6X (respecto a cursos previos de la institución).
  • Facilitated the transformation of the performance evaluation system across multiple government areas.
Online courses and platform for small and medium sized companies (SMEs)


The client, through a program aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), supports entrepreneurs and business owners nationwide to strengthen their capabilities and business development. They sought to digitalize their previously in-person workshops into an innovative e-learning format to expand and improve their reach across the country.


  • Successful implementation of 8 massive virtual courses, LMS platform, and analytics solution.
  • Enhanced training reach and improved capabilities for entrepreneurs and business owners nationwide.
  • 85% savings in development and implementation costs and time. (respecto a métodos de capacitación tradicional previos).
  • 260% increase in completion rate (compared to the benchmark for self-paced courses).
Online course on gender and disability


UNWOMEN aimed to transform extensive specialist-written materials on gender and disability into an engaging, accessible virtual course.


  • Successfully engaged 3,500 participants with the virtual course.
  • Delivered a unified and functional product with consistent aesthetics.
  • Ensured a fully accessible user experience across various platforms.
Logo Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT)
Course development and technical support


The ILO aimed to enhance its distance learning strategy on the Moodle platform, focusing on improving the participant experience on the platform and during live sessions of their courses.


  • Enhanced participant experience on the Moodle platform.
  • Improved user interface and experience for better engagement.
  • Effective technical support ensured smooth implementation and user satisfaction.
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